Time series dataΒΆ

Pandas DataFrames store 2D data with labeled columns. Pecos uses Pandas DataFrames to store and analyze data indexed by time. Pandas includes a wide range of time series analysis and date-time functionality. To import pandas:

import pandas as pd

Pandas includes many built-in functions to read data from csv, excel, sql, etc. For example, data can be loaded from an excel file using:

df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx')

The PerformanceMonitoring class is the base class used by Pecos to define performance monitoring analysis. To get started, an instance of the PerformanceMonitoring class is created:

pm = pecos.monitoring.PerformanceMonitoring()

The DataFrame can then be added to the PerformanceMonitoring object as follows:

pm.add_dataframe(df, system_name)

Multiple DataFrames can be added to the PerformanceMonitoring object. The ‘system_name’ is used to distinquish DataFrames.

DataFrames are accessed using:
