Release Notes

v0.1.3 (August 2, 2016)

This is a minor release, changes include:

  • Bug fix for dataframes using timezones. There was an issue retaining the timezone across the entire pecos analysis chain. The timezone was not stored properly in the testing results. This is a known pandas bug. The fix in Pecos includes stronger tests for analysis that use timezones.
  • The use of Jinja for html report templates
  • Cleaned up examples

v0.1.2 (June 6, 2016)

This is a minor release, changes include:

  • Minor changes to the software to support Python 3.4 and 3.5
  • Default image format changed from jpg to png
  • Datatables format options added to dashboards
  • Additional testing

v0.1.1 (May 6, 2016)

This is a minor release, changes include:

  • Added a pv module, includes basic methods to compute energy, insolation, performance ratio, performance index, energy yield, clearness index, and a basic pv performance model.
  • Added method to compute time integral and RMSE to metrics module
  • Cleaned up examples, API, and documentation
  • Software test harness run through TravisCI and analyzed using Coveralls
  • Documentation hosted on readthedocs

v0.1.0 (March 31, 2016)

This is the first official release of Pecos. Features include:

  • PerformanceMonitoring class used to run quality control tests and store results. The class includes the ability to add time filters and translation dictionaries. Quality control tests include checks for timestamp, missing and corrupt data, data out of range, and increment data out of range.
  • Quality control index used to quantify test failures
  • HTML report templates for monitoring reports and dashboards
  • Graphics capabilities
  • Basic tutorials
  • Preliminary software test harness, run using nosetests
  • Basic user manual including API documentation