Source code for

The graphics module contains functions to format scatter and time series 
plots for reporting.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import textwrap
import os
import logging

    from import nottest as _nottest
except ImportError:
    def _nottest(afunction):
        return afunction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def plot_scatter(x,y,xaxis_min=None, xaxis_max=None, yaxis_min=None, yaxis_max=None): """ Create a scatter plot. If x and y have the same number of columns, then the columns of x are plotted against the corresponding columns of y, in order. If x (or y) has 1 column, then that column of data is plotted against all the columns in y (or x). Parameters ---------- x : pd.DataFrame x data y : pd.DataFrame y data xaxis_min : float (optional) X-axis minimum xaxis_max : float (optional) X-axis maximum yaxis_min : float (optional) Y-axis minimum yaxis_max : float (optional) Y-axis maximum """ ax = plt.gca() try: if x.shape[1] == y.shape[1]: for i in range(x.shape[1]): plt.plot(x.iloc[:,i],y.iloc[:,i], '.', markersize=3) #, color=next(colors)) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.hold(True) elif x.shape[1] != y.shape[1]: if x.shape[1] == 1: for col in y.columns: plt.plot(x,y[col], '.', markersize=3) #, color=next(colors)) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.hold(True) elif y.shape[1] == 1: for col in x.columns: plt.plot(x[col],y, '.', markersize=3) #, color=next(colors)) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.hold(True) except: plt.text(0.3,0.5,'Insufficient Data', fontsize=8) # Format axis xmin_plt, xmax_plt = plt.xlim() ymin_plt, ymax_plt = plt.ylim() if xaxis_min is None: xaxis_min = xmin_plt if xaxis_max is None: xaxis_max = xmax_plt if yaxis_min is None: yaxis_min = ymin_plt if yaxis_max is None: yaxis_max = ymax_plt plt.xlim((xaxis_min, xaxis_max)) plt.ylim((yaxis_min, yaxis_max)) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0+0.15, box.width, box.height*0.75])
[docs]def plot_timeseries(data, tfilter=None, test_results_group=None, xaxis_min=None, xaxis_max=None, yaxis_min=None, yaxis_max=None): """ Create a time series plot using each column in the DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Data, indexed by time tfilter : pd.Series (optional) Boolean values used to include time filter in the plot test_results_group : pd.DataFrame (optional) Test results for a particular variable. To group test results by variable, use grouped = pm.test_results.groupby(['System Name', 'Variable Name']). xaxis_min : float (optional) X-axis minimum xaxis_max : float (optional) X-axis maximum yaxis_min : float (optional) Y-axis minimum yaxis_max : float (optional) Y-axis maximum """ ax = plt.gca() try: # plot timeseries if isinstance(data, pd.Series): data.plot(ax=ax, grid=False, legend=False, color='k', fontsize=8, rot=90, label='Data', x_compat=True) else: data.plot(ax=ax, grid=False, legend=False, fontsize=8, rot=90, label='Data') if tfilter is not None: # add tfilter temp = np.where(tfilter - tfilter.shift()) temp = np.append(temp[0],len(tfilter)-1) count = 0 for i in range(len(temp)-1): if tfilter[temp[i]] == 0: if count == 0: ax.axvspan(data.index[temp[i]], data.index[temp[i+1]], facecolor='k', alpha=0.2, label='Time filter') count = count+1 else: ax.axvspan(data.index[temp[i]], data.index[temp[i+1]], facecolor='k', alpha=0.2) # add errors try: if test_results_group.empty: test_results_group = None except: pass if test_results_group is not None: key2 = test_results_group['Error Flag'] grouped2 = test_results_group.groupby(key2) for error_flag in key2.unique(): test_results_group2 = grouped2.get_group(error_flag) error_label = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(error_flag, 30)) warning_label = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap('Warning ' + str(test_results_group2.index.values).strip('[]'), 30)) #str(out_df2.index.values).strip('[]'), 30)) error_label = error_label + '\n' + warning_label date_idx2 = np.array([False]*len(data.index)) for row2 in range(len(test_results_group2.index)): date_idx2 = date_idx2 + ((data.index >= test_results_group2.iloc[row2,2]) & (data.index <= test_results_group2.iloc[row2,3])) if sum(date_idx2) == 0: continue data2 = data[date_idx2] if error_flag in ['Duplicate timestamp', 'Missing data', 'Corrupt data', 'Nonmonotonic timestamp']: continue if "Data <" in error_flag: try: ax.scatter(data2.index, data2.values, c='r', marker='+', label=error_label) except: ax.scatter(data2.index[0], data2.values[0], c='r', marker='+', label=error_label) elif "Data >" in error_flag: try: ax.scatter(data2.index, data2.values, c='r', marker='+', label=error_label) except: ax.scatter(data2.index[0], data2.values[0], c='r', marker='+', label=error_label) else: try: ax.scatter(data2.index, data2.values, c='g', marker='+', label=error_label) except: ax.scatter(data2.index[0], data2.values[0], c='g', marker='+', label=error_label) # Format axis xmin_plt, xmax_plt = plt.xlim() ymin_plt, ymax_plt = plt.ylim() if tfilter is not None: ymin_plt = np.nanmin(data[tfilter].values) ymax_plt = np.nanmax(data[tfilter].values) if np.abs(ymin_plt - ymax_plt) < 0.01: ymin_plt, ymax_plt = plt.ylim() except: plt.text(0.3,0.5,'Insufficient Data', fontsize=8) xmin_plt, xmax_plt = plt.xlim() ymin_plt, ymax_plt = plt.ylim() # Format axis y_range = (ymax_plt - ymin_plt) if xaxis_min is None: xaxis_min = xmin_plt if xaxis_max is None: xaxis_max = xmax_plt if yaxis_min is None: yaxis_min = ymin_plt-y_range/10 if yaxis_max is None: yaxis_max = ymax_plt+y_range/10 plt.xlim((xaxis_min, xaxis_max)) plt.ylim((yaxis_min, yaxis_max)) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) plt.xlabel('Time', fontsize=8) box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0+0.15, box.width, box.height*0.75])
[docs]def plot_colorblock(values, vmin=0, vmax=1, nColors=12, colors=[(0.75, 0.15, 0.15), (1, 0.75, 0.15), (0.15, 0.75, 0.15)]): """ Create a colorblock figure. Default color scheme is red to yellow to green with 12 colors. This function can be used to generate dashboards with simple color indicators in each cell. Parameters ----------- values : 2D np.array Values to plot in the colorblock vmin : float (optional) Colomap minimum, default = 0 vmax : float (optional) Colomap maximum, default = 1 num_colors : int (optional) Number of colors in the colormap colors : list (optional) List of colors, colors can be specified in any way understandable by matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter.to_rgb(). Default is red to yellow to green. """ from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='custom', colors = colors, N=nColors) fig = plt.imshow(values, cmap=cmap, aspect='equal', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.axis('off') fig.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) fig.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
[docs]def plot_test_results(filename_root, pm, image_format='png', dpi=500, figsize=(7.0, 2.5)): """ Create test results graphics which highlight data points that failed a quality control test. Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename root, with full path. Each grpahics filename is appended with an integer. For example, filename_root = 'C:\\\\pecos\\\\results\\\\test' will generate a file named 'C:\\\\pecos\\\\results\\\\test1.png'. The directory ''C:\\\\pecos\\\\results' must exist. pm : PerformanceMonitoring object Contains data (pm.df) and test results (pm.test_results) image_format : string (optional) Image format, default = 'png' """ filename_root = os.path.abspath(filename_root) # Colect file names test_results_graphics = [] if pm.test_results.empty: return test_results_graphics graphic = 0 tfilter = pm.tfilter grouped = pm.test_results.groupby(['System Name', 'Variable Name']) for name, test_results_group in grouped: if name[1] == ' ': continue elif name[0] == '': col_name = str(name[1]) else: col_name = str(name[0]) + ":" + str(name[1]) if test_results_group['Error Flag'].all() in ['Duplicate timestamp', 'Missing data', 'Corrupt data', 'Missing timestamp', 'Nonmonotonic timestamp']: continue"Creating graphic for " + col_name) plt.figure(figsize = figsize) plot_timeseries(pm.df[col_name], tfilter, test_results_group = test_results_group) ax = plt.gca() box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.65, box.height]) plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=8) plt.title(col_name, fontsize=8) filename = filename_root + str(graphic) + '.' + image_format test_results_graphics.append(filename) plt.savefig(filename, format=image_format, dpi=dpi) graphic = graphic + 1 plt.close() return test_results_graphics