Source code for

The io module contains functions to read/send data and write results to 
files/html reports.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
import os
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
import datetime
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
    from import nottest as _nottest
except ImportError:
    def _nottest(afunction):
        return afunction
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('pecos', 'templates'))

[docs]def read_campbell_scientific(file_name, index_col='TIMESTAMP', encoding=None): """ Read Campbell Scientific CSV file. Parameters ---------- file_name : string File name, with full path index_col : string (optional) Index column name, default = 'TIMESTAMP' encoding : string (optional) Character encoding (i.e. utf-16) Returns --------- df : pd.DataFrame Data """"Reading Campbell Scientific CSV file " + file_name) try: df = pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows=1, encoding=encoding, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=True, dtype ='unicode') #, low_memory=False) df = df[2:] index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) Unnamed = df.filter(regex='Unnamed') df = df.drop(Unnamed.columns, 1) df = pd.DataFrame(data = df.values, index = index, columns = df.columns, dtype='float64') except: logger.warning("Cannot extract database, CSV file reader failed " + file_name) df = pd.DataFrame() return # Drop rows with NaT (not a time) in the index try: df.drop(pd.NaT, inplace=True) except: pass return df
[docs]def send_email(subject, body, recipient, sender, attachment=None, host='localhost', username=None, password=None): """ Send email using python smtplib and email packages. Parameters ---------- subject : string Subject text body : string Email body, in HTML or plain format recipient : list of string Recipient email address or addresses sender : string Sender email address attachment : string (optional) Name of file to attach host : string (optional) Name of email host (or host:port), default = 'localhost' username : string (optional) Email username for authentication password : string (optional) Email password for authentication """"Sending email") msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = subject msg['To'] = ', '.join(recipient) msg['From'] = sender if "</html>" in body.lower(): content = MIMEText(body, 'html') else: content = MIMEText(body, 'plain') msg.attach(content) if attachment is not None: fp = open(attachment, "rb") # Read as a binary file, even if it's text att = MIMEApplication( att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(attachment)) fp.close() msg.attach(att) s = smtplib.SMTP(host) try: # Authentication s.ehlo() s.starttls() s.login(username, password) except: pass s.sendmail(sender, recipient, msg.as_string()) s.quit()
[docs]def write_metrics(filename, metrics): """ Write metrics file. Parameters ----------- filename : string File name, with full path metrics : pd.DataFrame Data to add to the metrics file """"Write metrics file") try: previous_metrics = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col='TIMESTEP') #, parse_dates=True) except: previous_metrics = pd.DataFrame() metrics.index = metrics.index.to_native_types() # this is nessisary when using timezones metrics = metrics.combine_first(previous_metrics) fout = open(filename, 'w') metrics.to_csv(fout, index_label='TIMESTEP', na_rep = 'NaN') fout.close()
[docs]def write_test_results(filename, test_results): """ Write test results file. Parameters ----------- filename : string File name, with full path test_results : pd.DataFrame Test results stored in pm.test_results """ test_results.sort_values(['System Name', 'Variable Name'], inplace=True) test_results.index = np.arange(1, test_results.shape[0]+1)"Writing test results csv file " + filename) fout = open(filename, 'w') test_results.to_csv(fout, na_rep = 'NaN') fout.close()
[docs]def write_monitoring_report(filename, pm, test_results_graphics=[], custom_graphics=[], metrics=None, title='Pecos Monitoring Report', config={}, logo=False, im_width_test_results=700, im_width_custom=700, encode=False): """ Generate a monitoring report. The monitoring report is used to report quality control test results for a single system. The report includes custom graphics, performance metrics, and test results. Parameters ---------- filename : string File name, with full path pm : PerformanceMonitoring object Contains data (pm.df) and test results (pm.test_results) test_results_graphics : list of strings (optional) Graphics files, with full path. These graphics highlight data points that failed a quality control test, created using custom_graphics : list of strings (optional) Custom files, with full path. Created by the user. metrics : pd.DataFrame (optional) Performance metrics to add as a table to the monitoring report title : string (optional) Monitoring report title, default = 'Pecos Monitoring Report' config : dictionary (optional) Configuration options, to be printed at the end of the report logo : string (optional) Graphic to be added to the report header im_width_test_results=700 : float (optional) Image width for test results graphics in the HTML report, default = 700 im_width_custom=700 : float (optional) Image width for custom graphics in the HTML report, default = 700 encode : boolean (optional) Encode graphics in the html, default = False """"Writing HTML report") if pm.df.empty: logger.warning("Empty database") start_time = 'NaN' end_time = 'NaN' else: start_time = pm.df.index[0] end_time = pm.df.index[-1] # Set pandas display option pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1) pd.set_option('display.width', 40) # Collect notes (from the logger file) try: logfiledir = logfiledir = os.path.join(dirname(abspath(__file__))) f = open(join(logfiledir,'logfile'), 'r') notes = f.close() notes_df = pd.DataFrame(notes.splitlines()) notes_df.index += 1 except: notes_df = pd.DataFrame() pm.test_results.sort_values(['System Name', 'Variable Name'], inplace=True) pm.test_results.index = np.arange(1, pm.test_results.shape[0]+1) # Convert to html format if metrics is None: metrics = pd.DataFrame() test_results_html = pm.test_results.to_html(justify='left') metrics_html = metrics.to_html(justify='left') notes_html = notes_df.to_html(justify='left', header=False) content = {'start_time': str(start_time), 'end_time': str(end_time), 'num_notes': str(notes_df.shape[0]), 'notes': notes_html, 'num_test_results': str(pm.test_results.shape[0]), 'test_results': test_results_html, 'test_results_graphics': test_results_graphics, 'custom_graphics': custom_graphics, 'num_metrics': str(metrics.shape[0]), 'metrics': metrics_html, 'config': config} title = os.path.basename(title) html_string = _html_template_monitoring_report(content, title, logo, im_width_test_results, im_width_custom, encode) # Write html file html_file = open(filename,"w") html_file.write(html_string) html_file.close()"")
[docs]def write_dashboard(filename, column_names, row_names, content, title='Pecos Dashboard', footnote='', logo=False, im_width=250, datatables=False, encode=False): """ Generate a dashboard. The dashboard is used to compare multiple systems. Each cell in the dashboard includes custom system graphics and metrics. Parameters ---------- filename : string File name, with full path column_names : list of strings Column names listed in the order they should appear in the dashboard, i.e. ['location1', 'location2'] row_names : list of strings Row names listed in the order they should appear in the dashboard, i.e. ['system1', 'system2'] content : dictionary Dashboard content for each cell. Dictionary keys are tuples indicating the row name and column name, i.e. ('row name', 'column name'), where 'row name' is in the list row_names and 'column name' is in the list column_names. For each key, another dictionary is defined that contains the content to be included in each cell of the dashboard. Each cell can contain text, graphics, a table, and an html link. These are defined using the following keys: - text (string) = text at the top of each cell - graphics (list of strings) = a list of graphics file names. Each file name includes the full path - table (string) = a table in html format, for example a table of performance metrics. DataFrames can be converted to an html string using df.to_html() or df.transpose().to_html(). - link (string) = html link, with full path - link text (string) = the name of the link, i.e. 'Link to monitoring report' For example:: content = {('row name', 'column name'): { 'text': 'text at the top', 'graphic': ['C:\\\\pecos\\\\results\\\\custom_graphic.png'], 'table': df.to_html(), 'link': 'C:\\\\pecos\\\\results\\\\monitoring_report.html', 'link text': 'Link to monitoring report'}} title : string (optional) Dashboard title, default = 'Pecos Dashboard' footnote : string (optional) Text to be added to the end of the report logo : string (optional) Graphic to be added to the report header im_width : float (optional) Image width in the HTML report, default = 250 datatables : boolean (optional) Use to format the dashboard, default = False. See for more information. encode : boolean (optional) Encode graphics in the html, default = False """"Writing dashboard") # Set pandas display option pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1) pd.set_option('display.width', 40) html_string = _html_template_dashboard(column_names, row_names, content, title, footnote, logo, im_width, datatables, encode) # Write html file html_file = open(filename,"w") html_file.write(html_string) html_file.close()"")
def _html_template_monitoring_report(content, title, logo, im_width_test_results, im_width_custom, encode): # if encode == True, encode the images img_dic = {} if encode: for im in content['custom_graphics']: with open(im, "rb") as f: data = img_encode = data.encode("base64") img_dic[im] = img_encode for im in content['test_results_graphics']: with open(im, "rb") as f: data = img_encode = data.encode("base64") img_dic[im] = img_encode template = env.get_template('monitoring_report.html') date = datestr = date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') version = pecos.__version__ return template.render(**locals()) def _html_template_dashboard(column_names, row_names, content, title, footnote, logo, im_width, datatables, encode): # if encode == True, encode the images img_dic = {} if encode: for column in column_names: for row in row_names: for im in content[row, column]['graphics']: with open(im, "rb") as f: data = img_encode = data.encode("base64") img_dic[im] = img_encode template = env.get_template('dashboard.html') date = datestr = date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') version = pecos.__version__ return template.render(**locals())