Source code for pecos.metrics

The metrics module contains performance metrics to track system health.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def qci(mask, tfilter=None, per_day=True): """ Compute the quality control index defined as: :math:`QCI=\dfrac{\sum_{d\in D}\sum_{t\in T}X_{dt}}{|DT|}` where :math:`D` is the set of data columns and :math:`T` is the set of time stamps in the analysis. :math:`X_{dt}` is a data point for column :math:`d` time t` that passed all quality control test. :math:`|DT|` is the number of data points in the analysis. Parameters ---------- mask : pd.Dataframe Test results mask, returned from pm.get_test_results_mask() tfilter : pd.Series (optional) Time filter containing boolean values for each time index per_day : boolean (optional) Flag indicating if the results should be computed per day, default = True Returns ------- QCI : pd.DataFrame Quality control index """"Compute QCI") # Remove time filter if tfilter is not None: mask = mask[tfilter] if per_day: dates = [mask.index[0].date() + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, (mask.index[-1].date()-mask.index[0].date()).days+1)] QCI = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.to_datetime(dates)) for date in dates: mask_date = mask.loc[date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] try: QCIndex = mask_date.sum().sum()/float(mask_date.shape[0]*mask_date.shape[1]) if np.isnan(QCIndex): QCIndex = 0 QCI.loc[date, 'Quality Control Index'] = QCIndex except: QCI.loc[date, 'Quality Control Index'] = 0 else: QCI = mask.sum().sum()/float(mask.shape[0]*mask.shape[1]) return QCI
[docs]def rmse(x1, x2, tfilter=None, per_day=True): """ Compute the root mean squared error defined as: :math:`RMSE=\sqrt{\dfrac{\sum{(x_1-x_2)^2}}{n}}` where :math:`x_1` is a time series, :math:`x_2` is a time series, and :math:`n` is a number of data points. Parameters ----------- x1 : pd.DataFrame with a single column or pd.Series Data x2 : pd.DataFrame with a single column or pd.Series Data tfilter : pd.Series (optional) Time filter containing boolean values for each time index per_day : boolean (optional) Flag indicating if the results should be computed per day, default = True Returns ------- RMSE : pd.DataFrame Root mean squared error of the data """"Compute RMSE") if type(x1) is pd.core.frame.DataFrame: x1 = pd.Series(x1.values[:,0], index=x1.index) if type(x2) is pd.core.frame.DataFrame: x2 = pd.Series(x2.values[:,0], index=x2.index) if tfilter is not None: x1 = x1[tfilter] x2 = x2[tfilter] def compute_rmse(data1, data2): val = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(data1 - data2,2))) return val if per_day: dates = [x1.index[0].date() + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, (x1.index[-1].date()-x1.index[0].date()).days+1)] rmse = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.to_datetime(dates)) for date in dates: x1_date1 = x1.loc[date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] x2_date2 = x2.loc[date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] val = compute_rmse(x1_date1, x2_date2) rmse.loc[date, 'RMSE'] = val else: val = compute_rmse(x1, x2) rmse = pd.DataFrame(val, index=[0], columns=['RMSE']) return rmse
[docs]def time_integral(data, tfilter=None, per_day=True): """ Compute the time integral of each column in the DataFrame defined as: :math:`F=\int{fdt}` where :math:`f` is a column of data :math:`dt` is the time step between observations. The time integral is computed using the trapezoidal rule from numpy.trapz. Results are given in [original data units]*seconds. NaN values are set to 0 for integration. Parameters ----------- data : pd.DataFrame Data tfilter : pd.Series (optional) Time filter containing boolean values for each time index per_day : boolean (doptional) Flag indicating if the results should be computed per day, default = True Returns ------- F : pd.DataFrame Time integral of the data, each column is named 'Time integral of ' + original column name. """"Compute time integral") if tfilter is not None: data = data[tfilter] data = data.fillna(0) # fill NaN with 0 def compute_integral(d): val = {} tdelta = ((d.index - d.index[0]).values)/1000000000 # convert ns to seconds for col in d.columns: val['Time integral of ' + col] = float(np.trapz(d.loc[:,col], tdelta)) return val if per_day: dates = [data.index[0].date() + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(0, (data.index[-1].date()-data.index[0].date()).days+1)] F = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.to_datetime(dates)) for date in dates: df_date = data.loc[date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] df_int = compute_integral(df_date) for col in df_int: F.loc[date, col] = df_int[col] else: F = compute_integral(data) F = pd.DataFrame(F, index=[0]) return F