Source code for pecos.monitoring

The monitoring module contains the PerformanceMonitoring class used to run
quality control tests and store results.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import logging

none_list = ['','none','None','NONE', None, [], {}]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PerformanceMonitoring(object): def __init__(self): """ PerformanceMonitoring class """ self.df = pd.DataFrame() self.trans = {} self.tfilter = pd.Series() self.test_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['System Name', 'Variable Name', 'Start Date', 'End Date', 'Timesteps', 'Error Flag'])
[docs] def add_dataframe(self, df, system_name, add_identity_translation_dictionary = False): """ Add DataFrame to the PerformanceMonitoring object. Parameters ----------- df : pd.Dataframe Dataframe to add to the PerformanceMonitoring object system_name : string System name add_identity_translation_dictionary : boolean (optional) Add a 1:1 translation dictionary to the PerformanceMonitoring object using all column names in df, default = False """ temp = df.copy() # Combine variable name with system name (System: Variable) temp.columns = [system_name + ':' + s for s in temp.columns] if self.df is not None: self.df = self.df.combine_first(temp) else: self.df = temp.copy() # define identity translation if add_identity_translation_dictionary: trans = {} for col in df.columns: trans[col] = [col] self.add_translation_dictionary(trans, system_name)
[docs] def add_translation_dictionary(self, trans, system_name): """ Add translation dictionary to the PerformanceMonitoring object. Parameters ----------- trans : dictionary Translation dictionary system_name : string System name """ # Combine variable name with system name (System: Variable) for key, values in trans.items(): self.trans[key] = [] for value in values: self.trans[key].append(system_name + ':' + value)
[docs] def add_time_filter(self, time_filter): """ Add a time filter to the PerformanceMonitoring object. Parameters ---------- time_filter : pd.DataFrame with a single column or pd.Series Time filter containing boolean values for each time index """ if isinstance(time_filter, pd.DataFrame): self.tfilter = pd.Series(data = time_filter.values[:,0], index = self.df.index) else: self.tfilter = time_filter
[docs] def add_signal(self, col_name, data): """ Add signal to the PerformanceMonitoring DataFrame. Parameters ----------- col_name : string Column name to add to translation dictionary data : pd.DataFarame or pd.Series Data to add to df """ if type(data) is pd.core.series.Series: data = data.to_frame(col_name) if type(data) is not pd.core.frame.DataFrame: logger.warning("Add signal failed") return if col_name in self.trans.keys(): + ' already exists in trans') return for col in data.columns.values.tolist(): if col in self.df.columns.values.tolist(): + ' already exists in df') return try: self.trans[col_name] = data.columns.values.tolist() #self.df[df.columns] = df for col in data.columns: self.df[col] = data[col] except: logger.warning("Add signal failed: " + col_name) return
[docs] def append_test_results(self, mask, error_msg, min_failures=1, variable_name=True): #, sub_df=None): """ Append QC results to the PerformanceMonitoring object. Parameters ---------- mask : pd.Dataframe Result from quality control test, boolean values error_msg : string Error message to store with the QC results min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 variable_name : boolean (optional) Add variable name to QC results, set to False for timestamp tests, default = True """ if len(mask.columns) == 1 and mask.columns[0] == 0: sub_df = self.df else: sub_df = self.df[mask.columns] # Find blocks order = 'col' if order == 'col': mask = mask.T np_mask = mask.values start_nans_mask = np.hstack((np.resize(np_mask[:,0],(mask.shape[0],1)), np.logical_and(np.logical_not(np_mask[:,:-1]), np_mask[:,1:]) )) stop_nans_mask = np.hstack((np.logical_and(np_mask[:,:-1], np.logical_not(np_mask[:,1:])), np.resize(np_mask[:,-1], (mask.shape[0],1)) )) start_row_idx,start_col_idx = np.where(start_nans_mask) stop_row_idx,stop_col_idx = np.where(stop_nans_mask) if order == 'col': temp = start_row_idx; start_row_idx = start_col_idx; start_col_idx = temp temp = stop_row_idx; stop_row_idx = stop_col_idx; stop_col_idx = temp #mask = mask.T block = {'Start Row': list(start_row_idx), 'Start Col': list(start_col_idx), 'Stop Row': list(stop_row_idx), 'Stop Col': list(stop_col_idx)} #if sub_df is None: # sub_df = self.df for i in range(len(block['Start Col'])): length = block['Stop Row'][i] - block['Start Row'][i] + 1 if length >= min_failures: if variable_name: var_name = sub_df.iloc[:,block['Start Col'][i]].name #sub_df.icol(block['Start Col'][i]).name system_name = '' temp = var_name.split(':') if len(temp) == 2: var_name = temp[1] system_name = temp[0] else: var_name = '' system_name = '' frame = pd.DataFrame([system_name, var_name, sub_df.index[block['Start Row'][i]], sub_df.index[block['Stop Row'][i]], length, error_msg], index=['System Name', 'Variable Name', 'Start Date', 'End Date', 'Timesteps', 'Error Flag']) frame_t = frame.transpose() self.test_results = self.test_results.append(frame_t, ignore_index=True)
[docs] def check_timestamp(self, frequency, expected_start_time=None, expected_end_time=None, min_failures=1): """ Check time series for non-monotonic and duplicate timestamps. Parameters ---------- frequency : int Expected time series frequency, in seconds expected_start_time : Timestamp (optional) Expected start time. If not specified, the minimum timestamp is used expected_end_time : Timestamp (optional) Expected end time. If not specified, the maximum timestamp is used min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 """"Check timestamp") if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return if expected_start_time is None: expected_start_time = min(self.df.index) if expected_end_time is None: expected_end_time = max(self.df.index) rng = pd.date_range(start=expected_start_time, end=expected_end_time, freq=str(frequency) + 's') # Check to see if timestamp is monotonic # mask = pd.TimeSeries(self.df.index).diff() < 0 mask = pd.Series(self.df.index).diff() < pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00') mask.index = self.df.index mask[mask.index[0]] = False mask = pd.DataFrame(mask) mask.columns = [0] self.append_test_results(mask, 'Nonmonotonic timestamp', variable_name=False, min_failures=min_failures) # If not monotonic, sort df by timestamp if not self.df.index.is_monotonic: self.df = self.df.sort_index() # Check for duplicate timestamps # mask = pd.TimeSeries(self.df.index).diff() == 0 mask = pd.Series(self.df.index).diff() == pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00') mask.index = self.df.index mask[mask.index[0]] = False mask = pd.DataFrame(mask) mask.columns = [0] mask['TEMP'] = mask.index # remove duplicates in the mask mask.drop_duplicates(subset='TEMP', keep='last', inplace=True) del mask['TEMP'] # Drop duplicate timestamps (this has to be done before the results are appended) self.df['TEMP'] = self.df.index #self.df.drop_duplicates(subset='TEMP', take_last=False, inplace=True) self.df.drop_duplicates(subset='TEMP', keep='first', inplace=True) self.append_test_results(mask, 'Duplicate timestamp', variable_name=False, min_failures=min_failures) # reindex timestamps missing = [] for i in rng: if i not in self.df.index: missing.append(i) self.df = self.df.reindex(index=rng) mask = pd.DataFrame(data=self.df.shape[0]*[False], index = self.df.index) mask.loc[missing] = True self.append_test_results(mask, 'Missing timestamp', variable_name=False, min_failures=min_failures) del self.df['TEMP']
[docs] def check_range(self, bound, key=None, specs={}, rolling_mean=1, min_failures=1): """ Check data range. Parameters ---------- bound : list of floats [lower bound, upper bound], None can be used in place of a lower or upper bound key : string (optional) Translation dictionary key. If not specified, all columns are used in the test. specs : dictionary (optional) Constants used in bound rolling_mean : int (optional) Rolling mean window in number of time steps, default = 1 min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 """"Check variable ranges") if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return tfilter = self.tfilter # Isolate subset if key is not None if key is not None: try: df = self.df[self.trans[key]] except: logger.warning("Insufficient data for Check Range: " + key) return else: df = self.df # Compute moving average if rolling_mean > 1: df = pd.rolling_mean(df, rolling_mean) # Evaluate strings for bound values for i in range(len(bound)): if bound[i] in none_list: bound[i] = None elif type(bound[i]) is str: bound[i] = self.evaluate_string('', bound[i], specs) # Lower Bound if bound[0] is not None: mask = (df < bound[0]) if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.append_test_results(mask, 'Data < lower bound, '+str(bound[0]), min_failures=min_failures) # sub_df=df) # Upper Bound if bound[1] is not None: mask = (df > bound[1]) if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.append_test_results(mask, 'Data > upper bound, '+str(bound[1]), min_failures=min_failures) #sub_df=df)
[docs] def check_increment(self, bound, key=None, specs={}, increment=1, absolute_value=True, rolling_mean=1, min_failures=1): """ Check range on data increments. Parameters ---------- bound : list of floats [lower bound, upper bound], None can be used in place of a lower or upper bound key : string (optional) Translation dictionary key. If not specified, all columns are used in the test. specs : dictionary (optional) Constants used in bound increment : int (optional) Time step shift used to compute difference, default = 1 absolute_value : boolean (optional) Take the absolute value of the increment data, default = True rolling_mean : int (optional) Rolling mean window in number of time steps, default = 1 min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 """"Check increment range") if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return tfilter = self.tfilter # Isolate subset if key is not None if key is not None: try: df = self.df[self.trans[key]] except: logger.warning("Insufficient data for Check Increment: " + key) return else: df = self.df # Compute moving average if rolling_mean > 1: df = pd.rolling_mean(df, rolling_mean) # Compute interval if absolute_value: df = np.abs(df.diff(periods=increment)) else: df = df.diff(periods=increment) # Evaluate strings for bound values for i in range(len(bound)): if bound[i] in none_list: bound[i] = None elif type(bound[i]) is str: bound[i] = self.evaluate_string('', bound[i], specs) # Lower Bound if bound[0] is not None: mask = (df < bound[0]) if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.append_test_results(mask, 'Increment < lower bound, '+str(bound[0]), min_failures=min_failures) #sub_df=df) # Upper Bound if bound[1] is not None: mask = (df > bound[1]) if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.append_test_results(mask, 'Increment > upper bound, '+str(bound[1]), min_failures=min_failures) #sub_df=df)
[docs] def check_missing(self, key=None, min_failures=1): """ Check for missing data Parameters ---------- key : string (optional) Translation dictionary key. If not specified, all columns are used in the test. min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 """"Check for missing data") if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return tfilter = self.tfilter if key is not None: try: df = self.df[self.trans[key]] except: logger.warning("Insufficient data for Check Missing: " + key) return else: df = self.df mask = pd.isnull(df) # checks for np.nan, np.inf missing_timestamps = self.test_results[self.test_results['Error Flag'] == 'Missing timestamp'] for index, row in missing_timestamps.iterrows(): mask.loc[row['Start Date']:row['End Date']] = False if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.append_test_results(mask, 'Missing data', min_failures=min_failures)
[docs] def check_corrupt(self, corrupt_values, key=None, min_failures=1): """ Check for corrupt data. Parameters ---------- corrupt_values : list of floats List of corrupt data values key : string (optional) Translation dictionary key. If not specified, all columns are used in the test. min_failures : int (optional) Minimum number of consecutive failures required for reporting, default = 1 """"Check for corrupt data") if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return tfilter = self.tfilter if key is not None: try: df = self.df[self.trans[key]] except: logger.warning("Insufficient data for Check Corrupt: " + key) return else: df = self.df mask = pd.DataFrame(data = np.zeros(df.shape), index = df.index, columns = df.columns, dtype = bool) # all False for i in corrupt_values: mask = mask | (df == i) if not tfilter.empty: mask[~tfilter] = False if mask.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=0) > 0: self.df[mask] = np.nan self.append_test_results(mask, 'Corrupt data', min_failures=min_failures)
[docs] def evaluate_string(self, col_name, string_to_eval, specs={}): """ Returns the evaluated python equation written as a string (BETA). For each {keyword} in string_to_eval, {keyword} is first expanded to self.df[self.trans[keyword]], if that fails, then {keyword} is expanded to specs[keyword]. Parameters ---------- col_name : string Column name for the new signal string_to_eval : string String to evaluate specs : dictionary (optional) Constants used as keywords Returns -------- signal : pd.DataFrame or pd.Series DataFrame or Series with results of the evaluated string """ match = re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", string_to_eval) for m in set(match): m = m.replace('[','') # check for list if m == 'ELAPSED_TIME': ELAPSED_TIME = self.get_elapsed_time() string_to_eval = string_to_eval.replace("{"+m+"}",m) elif m == 'CLOCK_TIME': CLOCK_TIME = self.get_clock_time() string_to_eval = string_to_eval.replace("{"+m+"}",m) else: try: self.df[self.trans[m]] datastr = "self.df[self.trans['" + m + "']]" string_to_eval = string_to_eval.replace("{"+m+"}",datastr) except: try: specs[m] datastr = "specs['" + m + "']" string_to_eval = string_to_eval.replace("{"+m+"}",datastr) except: pass try: signal = eval(string_to_eval) if type(signal) is tuple: col_name = [col_name + " " + str(i+1) for i in range(len(signal))] signal = pd.concat(signal, axis=1) signal.columns = [col_name] signal.index = self.df.index elif type(signal) is float: signal = signal else: signal = pd.DataFrame(signal) if len(signal.columns) == 1: signal.columns = [col_name] else: signal.columns = [col_name + " " + str(i+1) for i in range(signal.shape[1])] signal.index = self.df.index except: signal = None logger.warning("Insufficient data for Composite Signals: " + col_name + ' -- ' + string_to_eval) return signal
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): """ Returns the elapsed time in seconds for each Timestamp in the DataFrame index. Returns -------- elapsed_time : pd.DataFrame Elapsed time of the DataFrame index """ elapsed_time = ((self.df.index - self.df.index[0]).values)/1000000000 # convert ns to s elapsed_time = pd.DataFrame(data=elapsed_time, index=self.df.index, dtype=int) return elapsed_time
[docs] def get_clock_time(self): """ Returns the time of day in seconds past midnight for each Timestamp in the DataFrame index. Returns -------- clock_time : pd.DataFrame Clock time of the DataFrame index """ secofday = self.df.index.hour*3600 + \ self.df.index.minute*60 + \ self.df.index.second + \ self.df.index.microsecond/1000000.0 clock_time = pd.DataFrame(secofday, index=self.df.index) return clock_time
[docs] def get_test_results_mask(self, key=None): """ Return a mask of data-times that failed a quality control test. Parameters ----------- key : string (optional) Translation dictionary key. If not specified, all columns are used Returns -------- test_results_mask : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing boolean values for each data point, True = data point pass all tests, False = data point did not pass at least one test. """ if self.df.empty:"Empty database") return if key is not None: try: df = self.df[self.trans[key]] except: logger.warning("Key not in DataFrame") return else: df = self.df test_results_mask = ~pd.isnull(df) for i in self.test_results.index: system = self.test_results.loc[i, 'System Name'] variable = self.test_results.loc[i, 'Variable Name'] start_date = self.test_results.loc[i, 'Start Date'] end_date = self.test_results.loc[i, 'End Date'] error_flag = self.test_results.loc[i, 'Error Flag'] if error_flag in ['Nonmonotonic timestamp', 'Duplicate timestamp']: continue if variable == '': # occurs when data is missing test_results_mask.loc[start_date:end_date] = False else: if system == '': # occurs when data is a composite signal column_name = variable else: column_name = system + ':'+ variable test_results_mask.loc[start_date:end_date,column_name] = False return test_results_mask